Entrance examinations to a football team
In addition to having fun playing, many players, especially a large number of children, try to play at a certain level in order to get a future in the world of football and so they get access to tryouts on any team.
The reality is that few of them succeed but, the competitive mentality and effort will make you surpass yourself every day and achieve many goals that you never imagined you could reach.
What do coaches look for in an entrance exam?
In this type of access test, coaches and scouts look for three fundamental aspects in the player:
Technical skills
The technical ability of each player is usually quite innate. Although you can improve it with a lot of effort and a lot of training, the technique is usually an individual character of each one.
Despite this, never stop training and trying to perfect your technical ability. You can improve with a lot of effort and sacrifice. There is little that you can do to improve your skills for a few entrance tests, but you should try to achieve, that your best qualities come to light.
For example, if you are a good dribbler, show it during training by doing some of your best dribbling. You’ll get noticed by the coaching staff.
Physical potential
Are you a gym guy? Being able to endure the 90 minutes on the field giving 100% is very difficult if you do not exercise your physique routinely. A player can have all the skills but, if the physique doesn’t go with him, the coach is not going to make him play as much as he wants.
Unlike technical ability, physical potential is something that can be trained and depends on you. If you have a good sports routine and do muscle exercises, your presence on the field will be practically assured.
All teams need very physical players who can endure the whole game. If you are going to do a team entry test, we recommend that you go in with a daily sports routine and show the coach what your physical potential is.
Psychological aspect
For a coach, what you see on the pitch is just as important as what you make in the locker room. Making sure a team is unified and that its players all play for the same interests is going to end up being the key to success on the pitch.
That’s why coaches and scouts are going to be very attentive to how you are and how you interact with your teammates both on and off the football field.
In a tryout, you must be participative at all times and willing to be part of the group. In addition, coaches also like it if you have a way of being pleasant (make jokes or laugh at others from time to time) but at the same time know how to take what you are doing seriously.
Within a soccer team there are different roles you can play. You can be a leader who encourages the players and gives them good advice. There is also the role of the ‘tough guy’ who knows how to put up a good fight to keep the team serious and make the teammates give it their all on the field.

Tips for Passing an Entrance Exam
Don’t be nervous.
As a player you must be clear that such a test is not a life or death test. Obviously, performing well on D-day will increase your chances of being signed, but most of the time you will be able to assess your progress over different training sessions.
Play relaxed because it’s the best way to get your football noticed and show what you’re made of.
Be yourself
It is very common that in an entrance exam you want to demonstrate many things and sometimes more than you are capable of. That’s a mistake you shouldn’t make.
Be yourself and don’t change the way you play just because of what the coaches or scouts might think. You have to be comfortable on the pitch to be able to play your game well.
Shows good attitude
If you want to have more options to pass the entrance exams, it is important that you show a positive attitude from minute one. As we have mentioned before, the psychological aspect can also decide the balance for or against.
Although it shouldn’t be like that, making a good impression on the coach can help you a lot to get the place you want in the team.
Give 100%.
In the entrance examinations it is important that you give everything on the pitch. Even though they’re going to follow your progress, the first impression is always very important. Strive and fight for your goals, in football all dreams can come true with effort and dedication.
There is a possibility of being rejected
It is important to consider the option where they tell you that you are not the player profile they are looking for. That shouldn’t mean the end of the world for you, you have to keep fighting for what you want and testing with other teams. I’m sure you have an ideal profile for some team.
The entrance tests are just a routine control in which the player is not valued 100%, mainly because in such a short time it is impossible.
You might also be interested in: Physical football training. Improve your performance with speed and strength.
Football trials in Spain
F.C. Barcelona
Barcelona, being one of the main references in the national football, has its doors open for all the boys and girls born from. There are four shifts in each established date and, if they pass the first phase, they are in charge of announcing the next steps to follow.
The entrance examinations were held on 23 March and 6 April and last 45 minutes. The tests are held each year on approximately these dates and take place in different shifts.
Real Madrid
Real Madrid is another club where any player aspires to play. Their entrance exams are managed differently from other clubs. You have to fill in the registration form that you will find on their website and wait for them to call or write to you for a trial training.
In Real Madrid there are no specific dates for the entrance exams. They are in charge of letting you know the day and time you should go to train with them.
Seville F.C.
The Seville school opens its doors to all those talents who want to pass the entrance exams and become part of the club from a sporting point of view.
In general, Sevilla F.C. is looking for talent in the categories of Minis, Prebenjamines, Benjamines, Alevines and Infantiles of the first year. The registration period opened on 18 July and closes when the maximum number of places available at the club is reached.